Ok, so we went out to get sushi tonight, (by the way sushi is my absolute favorite food. I just can't get enough!) and we were sitting at the sushi bar when this group of (sorry, not very nice, for all I know they are billionaires with hot girl friends and really dumb) total nerds came and sat at a table near us.
I only remember three of them that made a real impression on me.
One: Some guy in this green, jean material kilt with studs and stuff all over it. He didn't even look cool in it! He had disheveled, greasy looking blond hair, he was short, and he was wearing some old grandpa tennis shoes (you know the kind, the ones with just velcro straps). It was pretty bad.
Two: Some guy that looked like he was trying to dress cool but he really wasn't. His hair was spiked up but he was short and chubby and his cut off sleeves tank top shirt thingy looked bad (I don't even think I've ever seen someone who actually can pull that look off. Not even Edward or Jacob could rock that look.). Then it was super annoying since he kept trying to act like a sushi guru and he was getting everything wrong! And all his friends knew it.
Three: This guy was the definition of a total nerd. He had hair with a super defined part to the side, and it was all greased/oiled into place. Then he had huge round glasses and was wearing a button up T-shirt with the buttons all the way buttoned up and tucked into his too high pants. I swear, not making this up. I thought nerds only looked like that in movies!
Then all they talked about were video games. Don't get me wrong, I love my video games, but they were taking it to a whole 'nother level.
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
31 July, 2010
30 July, 2010
Mom annoys the crap out of me sometimes (ok alot of time).
For example, this morning I was up at 6am washing the floors. And not with a mop type way but on my hand and knees with a bucket and a rag. It didn't help at all that our whole main floor is basically hardwood, or the fact that she was trying to sleep while I did this. So every other second it was "SHH!" or "SHUT UP!", "KEEP IT DOWN!" which isn't my fault! She asked ME to mop the floors when she was trying to sleep, not a quiet task, moving the furniture to get underneath and moving the heavy bucket filled with water silently.
And somehow she kept telling me I was scrubbing wrong, and missing spots. SHE WASN'T EVEN IN THE SAME ROOM AS ME! She was in the other room sleeping, and she was still telling me these things.
It seriously took me a superhuman amount of willpower to not rip her face off.
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
For example, this morning I was up at 6am washing the floors. And not with a mop type way but on my hand and knees with a bucket and a rag. It didn't help at all that our whole main floor is basically hardwood, or the fact that she was trying to sleep while I did this. So every other second it was "SHH!" or "SHUT UP!", "KEEP IT DOWN!" which isn't my fault! She asked ME to mop the floors when she was trying to sleep, not a quiet task, moving the furniture to get underneath and moving the heavy bucket filled with water silently.
And somehow she kept telling me I was scrubbing wrong, and missing spots. SHE WASN'T EVEN IN THE SAME ROOM AS ME! She was in the other room sleeping, and she was still telling me these things.
It seriously took me a superhuman amount of willpower to not rip her face off.
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
Photo Album - RUN!!!
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Cover Picture (Want a more detailed Photo Album? It even has mini character bios!) |
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Gwyneth |
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Charles |
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Elizabeth |
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James |
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Sarah |
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Ryan |
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Jake |
29 July, 2010
Photo Album - Remembering Love
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Cover Picture - (Want a more detailed Photo Album? It even has mini character bios!) |
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Aria |
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Derrick |
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Ben |
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Chelsea |
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Faith |
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Joyce |
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Levi |
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Dan |
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Brenda |
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Mike |
Wish List
It's pretty self explanatory...
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
- Iron Man (movie)
- Iron Man 2 (movie)
- All Gossip Girl Discs (TV series)
- All Glee Discs (TV series)
- Sweet Valley High 6 & 7 (books)
- Left 4 Dead (Xbox Game)
- Left 4 Dead 2(Xbox Game)
- Camera
- 8GB iPod
- All House Discs (TV Series)
- Wet (Xbox Game)
- All Vampire Diaries Discs (TV series)
- Rockband (PSP Game)
- New PSP (But not the GO)
- Mirror's Edge (Xbox Game)
- Deadspace (Xbox Game)
- F.E.A.R (Xbox Game)
- Harry Potter 1-7 (Books)
- Harry Potter 1-7 (Movies)
- Pretty Little Liars 2 and up (Books)
- Cosmo Subscription (Magazine)
- Vogue Subscription (Magazine)
- Atonement (Book)
- Laptop (MY OWN)
- The Notebook (Movie)
- Howl's Moving Castle (Movie)
- New Moon (Movie)
- Eclipse (Movie)
- Giant Tuperware Bin (to store my stuffies)
- Second Life of Bree Tanner (Book)
- The Host (Book)
- Of the Fourth Kind (Movie)
- Paranormal Activity(Movie)
- Noise Canceling Headphones
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
Bucket List
Red = Task Completed
Green = Task in Process
- Go sky Diving (yeah, I know, EVERYONE has this one on their list)
- Go bungee jumping off of a bridge
- Go to Vietnam
- Go on a cruise
- Go to this amusement park in Wisconsin called "Extreme World"
- Climb to the peak of a real mountain
- Go caving
- Travel the world
- Get pilot's license
- Learn to sing (I'm terrible!)
- Learn to dance (I seriously think it would be cool to take lessons)
- Learn to speak Vietnamese
- Publish a book (I'm currently trying to write one...)
- Have an art show (one of my hobbies is photography)
- Get the guts to ask out a boy I like
- Play through a whole video game (I love to just chill and play video games sometimes, but I have never actually beat a WHOLE video game)
- Try out acting (how cool would it be to be a FAMOUS actress, but not the crazy ones)
- Try out modeling (People tell me all the time I should model, I don't think so , but it would be worth a try)
- Stay up all night talking to someone on the phone
- Finish a Rubiks Cube
- Find original diary (I kept a diary before I blogged and it was FILLED with LOTS of my secrets, and now I don't know where it is)
- Finish covering every square inch of my walls in pictures/posters/magazine cutouts
- Go on the tornado/whirpool (whatever it's called) slide at Grand Rios
- Learn to play the saxophone
- Tell someone EVERYTHING there is to know about me
- Get married
- Have children
- Be rich (who doesn't want to be rich?!)
- Confront my dad on what he's done (see, this is why I have to get you caught up!)
- Get my license (I WANNA DRIVE!!!)
- Make out in a car (ok, I know that seems weird, but I've always thought it romantic when you like go with a guy and just park and watch the sunset and then he just leans over and starts kissing you)
- Go on a roadtrip with my friends (no adults!)
- Have a scary movie-thon at my cabin (my cabin is on an island and we don't have neighbors for like miles up there)
- Get a REALLY short haircut
- See what it's like to get my legs waxed (I'm fine with shaving, but I want to see what all the fuss is about on waxing your legs)
- Play an AWESOME prank (the kind the the pranker and the person who got pranked will ALWAYS remember and tell when they think back on their fondest memories)
- Learn to Urban/freestyle run (Like in the movies when the people run up walls and jump over cars and cool stuff like that)
- Have you ever seen in movies when a girl and guy are out or with all their friends and they are near a lake (at night) or break into an empty pool...And no one was expecting to go swimming and they all just strip to like thier undies and bra and dive in? I think it would be FUN to do that!
- Learn to surf
- Go to a SERIOUSLY scary haunted house
- Jump into a convertible without using the door
- Swim in the ocean
- Invent something new and AWESOME
- Be told I'm a great kisser
- Go scuba diving/see the great barrier reef
- Ride on a unicycle
- Ride on a tandem bike
- Ride on a motorcycle
- Go parasailing
- Be able to run a mile in 6 minutes
- Finish a puzzle (must be 500 pieces or more)
That's it...For now :)
Always Three Words
Nadia Echo
Kill me now
Ugh! I feel like in aliens when the monster breaks out, except they are trying to break out of my stomach (yeah I know its not actually my stomach but I didn't wanna say uterus since I'm not saying I'm impregnated with an alien)!
Humans and Great Apes are the only animals with true periods. What bullshit. (Can you tell I'm a little cranky?).
At least I'm getting it now so I don't get it next week at Wisconsin Dells (Wouldn't that be horrid?!).
We went and saw my aunts newborn this week, he's so amazingly cute. I want a baby (not now of course). They're a little part of you, a life you created. Little miracles. In her case he is even more a miracle baby than most. She's had ovarian cancer and a miscarriage so the fact that she got pregnant and then made it the term and had the baby with no complications is amazing. Definitely happy for her.
Man, he's tiny. (And adorable).
Always three words,
Nadia Echo
Humans and Great Apes are the only animals with true periods. What bullshit. (Can you tell I'm a little cranky?).
At least I'm getting it now so I don't get it next week at Wisconsin Dells (Wouldn't that be horrid?!).
We went and saw my aunts newborn this week, he's so amazingly cute. I want a baby (not now of course). They're a little part of you, a life you created. Little miracles. In her case he is even more a miracle baby than most. She's had ovarian cancer and a miscarriage so the fact that she got pregnant and then made it the term and had the baby with no complications is amazing. Definitely happy for her.
Man, he's tiny. (And adorable).
Always three words,
Nadia Echo
Photo Album - Golden Red
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Cover Picture (Want an even more detailed Photo Album? It even has mini character bios!) |
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Adira |
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Charkie's Eye Color |
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Ezra |
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Enya |
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Eye Color of one of Enya's/Enyo's eyes. Other is the striking blue in the cover picture. |
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Aiden |
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Enyo |
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Enyo |
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Colton |
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Alex |
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Ezra |
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Cole |
28 July, 2010
Photo Album - The Second Time Around
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Cover Picture (Want an even more detailed Photo Album? It even has mini character bios!) |
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Cover Picture (Alternate...I'll probably use it if there's a book two!) |
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Nichole (Nikki) |
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Nichole (Nikki) |
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Milo |
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Milo |
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Milo |
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Ekho (Ehkee) |
Laney |
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Ekho's Eye Color |
27 July, 2010
Just Breathe
Do you ever just get so angry you can't even breath?
I was so pissed off beyond belief for the past few days at just life and annoyed with mom. I haven't eaten for a whole day, I couldn't sleep for two night.
My mom wouldn't just stop being a bitch! And it annoys me how fake she is sometimes, like the way she flips her hair and acts all in love.
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
I was so pissed off beyond belief for the past few days at just life and annoyed with mom. I haven't eaten for a whole day, I couldn't sleep for two night.
My mom wouldn't just stop being a bitch! And it annoys me how fake she is sometimes, like the way she flips her hair and acts all in love.
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
I love writing! So if you want to check out some of my stories go ahead and check them out :)
Golden Red
The Second Time Around
Ekho and Milo have known each other all their lives, they've grown up together, been their for all their up and downs, falls and successes. They were perfect for each other, that is until Milo moved away because of his hateful sister, Nikki.
Years later and Milo and Ekho happen to attend the same college, but the gap has already been created and Nikki plans to keep it that way...
Remembering Love
He loves her and she loves him. Or so they thought...
A story of betrayal, tragedy and death, can their love make it? Or will it be too much, sending them over the breaking point?
Adrenaline coursing through my veins, beads of sweat rolling down my back, arms pumping at my sides, legs taking me as fast as I could go. I was on the run. Being chased by 3 men, maybe more. I didn't have time to stop and look, count. If I did, they would catch me. Do to me what they were doing to all the other children at their horrible lab. I couldn't, wouldn't let that be me.
By now you're probably wondering how I got myself into such a mess. I don't blame you.
If I tell you this, you might not believe me, but it's real and it's out there and it's up to you to warn as many people as you can.
My name's Gwyneth, and what I'm about to tell you could change your life forever...
I would absolutely love to hear from you :)
I listened from under my bed as Dad stumbled around downstairs. He was drunk, again; no big surprise. I silently hoped that he wouldn't bother coming upstairs, where I was hiding. A tear slid silently down my face, burning as it went over a cut in my cheek.
I thought back to a year ago, when this had all started. Life was good before then; we were the perfect happy family. I'd rarely even seen my parents drink, much less drunk. Now, it was if Dad were never sober. It had all started 10 month and 23 days ago. The day is burned into my memory, the day my world was turned upside down..
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View Photo Album HERE |
All M304 has ever known is the secretive life she leads in the Complex, where she was created as an advanced experiment to do their dirty work. She soon comes to realize all the things she thought were normal are far from it as she comes to terms with the evil and secrets hidden within the Complex's past and future.
Short (random and unrelated) love stories!
I'm still working on an actual love novel but I still have some other random thought floating through my head...So I thought 'What the Heck?!' why not just put 'em all together on paper (or the internet in this case) and see how it goes!
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View Photo Album HERE |
Ekho and Milo have known each other all their lives, they've grown up together, been their for all their up and downs, falls and successes. They were perfect for each other, that is until Milo moved away because of his hateful sister, Nikki.
Years later and Milo and Ekho happen to attend the same college, but the gap has already been created and Nikki plans to keep it that way...
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View Photo Album HERE |
He loves her and she loves him. Or so they thought...
A story of betrayal, tragedy and death, can their love make it? Or will it be too much, sending them over the breaking point?
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View Photo Album HERE |
Adrenaline coursing through my veins, beads of sweat rolling down my back, arms pumping at my sides, legs taking me as fast as I could go. I was on the run. Being chased by 3 men, maybe more. I didn't have time to stop and look, count. If I did, they would catch me. Do to me what they were doing to all the other children at their horrible lab. I couldn't, wouldn't let that be me.
By now you're probably wondering how I got myself into such a mess. I don't blame you.
If I tell you this, you might not believe me, but it's real and it's out there and it's up to you to warn as many people as you can.
My name's Gwyneth, and what I'm about to tell you could change your life forever...
I would absolutely love to hear from you :)
Email: nadiaecho-always3words@live.com
Or you can visit my email profile. The photo albums HERE are in quiet a bit more detail.
Or you can visit my email profile. The photo albums HERE are in quiet a bit more detail.
About Me
Hey, I'm Nadia Echo...That's not my real name, but that you'll never know. I doubt you really want to hear about my boring life, but in the rare case you do, I'll tell you.
I was welcomed onto this Earth more than a decade ago (feels weird to say, try it. A decade, half a century or however old you are), February 16, 1995 to be exact. I have one brother five years younger and he is a total pain in the ass (most of the time). I have two parents, sadly divorced.
I live in Minnesota, but not like on a farm, I'm actually in the suburbs (Oakdale to be exact). I love, love, love the city but don't get me wrong, a good day out in the middle of nowhere can be just as fun.
I'm a highschooler, this year a Sophomore (wish me luck...)!
I write romance, and other random stories (that end up with romance in 'em anyways) that I absolutely love writing. Especially romance, I'm a total love junkie!
I'm not a girly girl, but I'm also not a total tomboy. I have a mad good sense of style and if you catch me at the right time (and are the right person) I can talk forever. Still, when I was little I was the little girl running along side the guys, playing in the mud, watching power rangers and climbing trees. I'm not big on violence but I stand up for my friends and what's right, no matter what.
I hate crying in front of people, absolutely hate it. The really annoying thing is the only time I cry is when I'm angry, or really frustrated (Yeah, like Bella...Oh yeah, I'm completely obsessed with Twilight). If you've seen me cry, trust me; you're rare (or you just met me when I was a little baby, and that doesn't really count), and someone I'd trust with anything.
I've always read, since I was a little girl...Same for writing. I just can't get enough of words or art in any way, shape or form!
I'm kind of a loner, I mean I make and have friends but I just don't ever get really close to people. It takes a LONG time for me to open up and trust people and even then sometimes not really. So currently I don't really I have a best friend like the kind who's always in sync with you and you can tell anything (and you do.).
I play piano (and I've been playing since I was like four) and am really good. Not to toot my own horn. It gets frustrating and I always feel like giving up (it's hard work) but then my love for it wins over and I'm right back to it. It's part of my heart and I love it!
I'm a big sports fan! I love football (both kinds) and tennis, and basketball. I love to watch them but am not really that good at playing them...Whatever, it's still fun!
My babies are probably my flashdrive (I bring it everywhere and it has everything on it) and my puppy (ok, he's not a puppy anymore. More like 90 lbs and 8 years old).
I love music. I love playing it and I love listening to it. One second it'll be something like Debussy and Rachmoninov (And I really like Paginini). Then after that I'll be listening to Eminem or Taylor Swift or even Demi Lovato & Selena Gomez (Ok, not a good idea to tell anyone that...I have a reputation to keep)
I'm a total closet gamer. You know, the type you never knows plays video games till you happen to be playing video games and they totally beat you. My faves (at the moment) would probably be Call of Duty (4 and up, oh and Nazi Zombies, Der Riese) and Halo. I'm a total nerd and read all the Halo books (Really good actually!)
I love my shows, like Gossip Girl (I LOVE YOU CHUCK AND BLAIR!), Entourage, Man vs. Wild (Totally obsessed with Bear) and Vampire Diaries....Oh yeah and Bones (love Angela)!
Love, love, love the Twilight movies (ok I must admit the first one sucked but my obsession with twilight and love for romance means I loved it...Don't tell anyone though since I'm secretly in love with Edward/Robert...Not Robert but Robert as Edward, just wanna make that clear)
I also love Avatar. That is like my all time FAVORITE movie...I have a few other movies I love (Don't we all?) but those are enough, Right?
Always three words (aren't the best sayings always three words? I love you, Live Love Luagh, Eat Pray Play, Peace Love Happiness. Trust me. If you really pay attention to my blog half the things in here are three words sentences.)!
By the way, all the names on this blog are fake. Fake-y, fake, fake, fake, FAKE!
26 July, 2010
Hey I'm Nadia...
I write, read, love music and love photography!
I'm a total hopeless romantic and believe in finding true love 110%
I live in Minnesota (No I don't have an accent, yes it had lots of farms but I don't live on one and yes we have all the seasons. When it's summer it's baking and when it's winter it's below freezing.)
I'm one of those hopeless romantics. Not a boy crazed teen but one of those girls that are in love (head over heels in love) with love.
I hate the right shift button, I never use it.
If you see anything pink on this blog...ANYTHING, click the pink because it's a link! (you like my mad rhyming skills?) Well at least anything other than on this page, because this page is just colorful.
I'm a total hopeless romantic and believe in finding true love 110%
I live in Minnesota (No I don't have an accent, yes it had lots of farms but I don't live on one and yes we have all the seasons. When it's summer it's baking and when it's winter it's below freezing.)
I'm one of those hopeless romantics. Not a boy crazed teen but one of those girls that are in love (head over heels in love) with love.
I hate the right shift button, I never use it.
I would love to have a famous blog, so if you like. Spread the word!
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