22 September, 2010

For your boogery enjoyment....

Maybe I have a little too much free times, but you know, what else can I do when I'm camped on my couch with a box of tissues and some hot tea?

Isn't this a fabulous invention?

You put it on your hand so if your nose is running, who needs a tissue?  Just do as little kids do and smear it on the back of your hand!

They even make in bigger sizes so you can do this:

 Which actually seems like it would be really useful, since you know you've been there.  It's winter and your nose is running and you want to wipe it on the back of your glove but it's too rough and it hurts and it doesn't actually work, it just smears it all over your face where it will dry as a greenish-yellow-y crust.  (Not that I've ever attempted it...)

And then of course I couldn't help put some more "fun" pictures...  What can I say, I'm a s-naughty girl!
Aren't kids (hold on while I gag) ADORABLE?

Always 3 Words,
Nadia Echo

1 comment:

I love comments more than kids love candy (trust me, that's a whole lot of lovin').

So how about you make my day and leave a comment?