22 August, 2010


I have a...How do I put this?

Addiction.  I can't get enough, and it really probably isn't good for a crazy person like me.

This addiction is, Horror movies (along with shoes, clothes and Rain 5 Gum but that's all for another time).

I love them, I can't get enough of them.  But as soon as I'm done watching them, I can't sleep, I can't be in the dark.  I can't even be alone.

It's pretty bad.  But I can't get enough.  That's the kind of talk you hear from someone addicted to meth or something.  Yes, it's that horrible.

But I could stop if I wanted to.  (ok not really, I always tell myself I'm never going to watch another movie, while I'm laying in bed at 3am, eyes wide open staring into the darkness for something to kill me and screaming at nothing and crying at the fact that I don't want to die yet.  I think the worst would be the Grudge, I can't stop watching them.  It's like I love the thrill but afterwards it just messes me up so I have to watch it some more to...Well you know, the addiction circle of messed up-ness)

Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo


  1. HAHA! I do the same thing with Horror movies...I try to never watch then at night anymore...

  2. I do that all the time! I promise myself I'll never watch one again and then I'll see a new freaky movie commercial and there's no stopping me from watching the movie!!

    A few days ago, I saw this commercial for a new scary movie comming out. It was messed up! This girl was slowly bending backwards so her back was in an arch and then she just stayed like that!! I was freaked out at the moment but now I want to see it!!


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