18 August, 2010

Awkward Hugs

You know how they are, those awkward times when you kind of stand there looking at each other trying to decide if you should hug or not.

And then you're like "Well, um. bye!"  and you hug them all fast, and walk away, fake smile plastered on face, trying not to feel completely out of place dumb.

And they're awkward for all sort of reason, are you to the stage where you hug this person, is this person really a hugging person, do you see them enough/it was a casual enough get-together no hug is needed?

Someone really needs to invent something to do in those situations...

Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo

BTW:  Miss me yet?  I either get back Thursday or Friday, so expect a LONG post then...


  1. omg! I know exactly how you feel!

    Some of my relatives are super huggy and the others are really....'cold' so it's always a challenge to know who to hug or not.

    My great aunt is the most awkward. Somedays she's this huggy, happy-go-lucky lady and other days she's the devil's wife! Talk about mood swings!

    Anyways, we start to hug and then stand there and then--depending on her days--she'll either mash your frickin' brains out with 'love' and hug you until you're as blue as her nasty, greasy eye shadow or she'll give you a whimpy, pathetic, rip-off of a hug.

    So, yeah. I'm very familiar with awkward hugs!


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