15 August, 2010

The Gal and the Register

You ever hear the one about the single gal in the supermarket?  It's an oldie but a goodie...

No?  Ok, I'll tell you.

So she brings all her stuff up to the register, you know, 4 pack of toilet paper, microwavable dinners, that sort of thing.  The checkout guy looks at all of her stuff and asks her "Hey, you single?"  she kind of giggles and she's like "Why? Can you tell by the stuff I'm buying, like all the single serve items?" and he's like "No, cause you're fuckin' ugly!"

LOL!  Ok I don't tell it as good as the guy (I think his name is Mike) on TiMER (seriously, you should click the link.  You can not watch it with a straight face.) does to Oona, but it's still pretty funny!

Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo


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