Ok I swear it's the last time. But I've moved again....
07 November, 2010
08 October, 2010
06 October, 2010
04 October, 2010
28 September, 2010
Please tell me I'm not the only one...
Ok, well, this is embarrassing.
I sort of wore my shirt inside out today. I'd want to say it's because I had to rush out of the house and was in a total rush and almost missed the bus, but that's not really true.
I didn't notice till second hour (the end of it) and it wasn't even me who noticed, it was my classmates.
Then as I was rushing to the bathroom to un-inside-out it and (just my luck) we had a lock down. So we (as in me and like twenty different people) had to shove into a tiny little office (that was probably meant for a limit of five people). The whole while I was praying no one would notice my shirt.
Total URGH! And what about the people that sit behind me in first hour? Were they staring at my tag the whole time?!
Please tell me I'm not the only one who's had wardrobe malfunctions like this...
I sort of wore my shirt inside out today. I'd want to say it's because I had to rush out of the house and was in a total rush and almost missed the bus, but that's not really true.
I didn't notice till second hour (the end of it) and it wasn't even me who noticed, it was my classmates.
I almost died of embarrassment.
Then as I was rushing to the bathroom to un-inside-out it and (just my luck) we had a lock down. So we (as in me and like twenty different people) had to shove into a tiny little office (that was probably meant for a limit of five people). The whole while I was praying no one would notice my shirt.
Total URGH! And what about the people that sit behind me in first hour? Were they staring at my tag the whole time?!
Please tell me I'm not the only one who's had wardrobe malfunctions like this...
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
26 September, 2010
This is my song, oh and this one, and that one too!
Do you ever do that? Start listening to your iPod (or whatever you listen to your music on) and for like the first three songs you'll be like "OH MY GOD! I LOVE THIS SONG!" and then the next song "OMG I LOVE THIS SONG TOO!" and then you'll remember that it's your play list and everything on there is on it because you love it.
Yeah I do that quite a bit before reminding myself, 'Oh yeah, I love every song on here, that's why they're on here.'
Yeah I do that quite a bit before reminding myself, 'Oh yeah, I love every song on here, that's why they're on here.'
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
25 September, 2010
Woops, sorry guys. Know I said I was gonna post yesterday, but I sort of came home and crashed. You know how it is, you go to these big events and they just wipe you, even if you don't really do anything.
It was fun though! And crazy, even though we got totally stomped (in case you didn't see it was 46 to 0...and we were definitely not the 46).
So here are some of the highlights:
-Keisha was there, lookin' super cute with her new hair do.
-We stood, the WHOLE time, since we were right in the middle of the "student spirit mob".
-Someone brought a LIVE chicken (I saw it with my own eyes, right in the row in front of me, flapping and struggling) and got suspended for TWO weeks. That's ridiculously dumb. How do you suspend someone for that?! I understand kicking someone out maybe, but really?
-Pepfest sucked, and since we had a budget cut (or so I hear) we didn't have anything fun we got to do.
And uh, I think that is that. I mean really, if you remember your homecoming games, just think of that, but with A LOT of blue (our color).
It was fun though! And crazy, even though we got totally stomped (in case you didn't see it was 46 to 0...and we were definitely not the 46).
So here are some of the highlights:
-Keisha was there, lookin' super cute with her new hair do.
-We stood, the WHOLE time, since we were right in the middle of the "student spirit mob".
-Someone brought a LIVE chicken (I saw it with my own eyes, right in the row in front of me, flapping and struggling) and got suspended for TWO weeks. That's ridiculously dumb. How do you suspend someone for that?! I understand kicking someone out maybe, but really?
-Pepfest sucked, and since we had a budget cut (or so I hear) we didn't have anything fun we got to do.
And uh, I think that is that. I mean really, if you remember your homecoming games, just think of that, but with A LOT of blue (our color).
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
Wow, um, yeah. I feel like I'm too young (as in I'm too young to be taken seriously) for this whole thing but I've got it anyways, and if this is to be truly a diary, I must write it down because it might not be big later in my life but it is big right now. And plus, if I don't write it down, I'll forget, and thoughts should be archived, or at least thats how I see it (and how they see t on Vampire Diaries, yes I'm a total sucker for Stefan, and Edward, and Stark, and Kalona...Although he's not really a vampire but whatever).
I like this dude, who really likes me, but he has an on again off again girlfriend of a LONG time.
And somehow (probably because he does it on purpose, but it could just be coincidental) we always end up together, without her around, ALWAYS. He always shows up, wherever I am, out of class, in class, school events. Every day, EVERYDAY! And somehow he ends up in my classes every tri, sitting next to me.
Ah, I will not falter to temptation, and I don't care if I'm taking this whole thing to seriously but really. I'm not one of those dufus's who does not have self control. And I've seen the destruction cheating can have (but on a much larger scale, like my parents, and my grandparents...we have a history of it I guess).
Maybe it's just because I haven't really had dude attention before, and now all of a sudden I'm just getting MORE and MORE every year... And I'm not used to it, all this wooing, and well, my woo/bullshit radar has not yet been strengthened. So woo equals swoon. I'm a total sucker for romance in any way, shape or form, just can't help it.
Crushes develop quickly, now I understand why girls are so boy crazy as a teenager, being introduced to all this fun. At least I'm not letting it take over me, I mean, I haven't even dated yet, and it's not ALL we talk about...OH MY GOSH! Does it only get worse?
I like this dude, who really likes me, but he has an on again off again girlfriend of a LONG time.
And somehow (probably because he does it on purpose, but it could just be coincidental) we always end up together, without her around, ALWAYS. He always shows up, wherever I am, out of class, in class, school events. Every day, EVERYDAY! And somehow he ends up in my classes every tri, sitting next to me.
Ah, I will not falter to temptation, and I don't care if I'm taking this whole thing to seriously but really. I'm not one of those dufus's who does not have self control. And I've seen the destruction cheating can have (but on a much larger scale, like my parents, and my grandparents...we have a history of it I guess).
Maybe it's just because I haven't really had dude attention before, and now all of a sudden I'm just getting MORE and MORE every year... And I'm not used to it, all this wooing, and well, my woo/bullshit radar has not yet been strengthened. So woo equals swoon. I'm a total sucker for romance in any way, shape or form, just can't help it.
Crushes develop quickly, now I understand why girls are so boy crazy as a teenager, being introduced to all this fun. At least I'm not letting it take over me, I mean, I haven't even dated yet, and it's not ALL we talk about...OH MY GOSH! Does it only get worse?
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
24 September, 2010
Size Matters...
Packing, packing, packing.
The house is empty yet full of boxes.
It's like we can't avoid it, it is definitely happening, it's all for real.
Oh dear...
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo.
Oh and if you've seen moving boxes lately, you'll understand the title.
23 September, 2010
Oh man you guys, I feel really horrible now. So we were walking down the hall, and of course I'm a talker and gillion things are running through my mind at a time, so some random stuff comes up...Just this time, it was bad random stuff, very insensitive.
I was said something along the lines "Sometimes I wish I could just say I have tourettes, well I don't mean the movement one where you just twitch and stuff because that would suck, but the one where you say stuff. Then you could say anything and just be like 'oh I have tourettes' and then you'd get away with it" And Scarlett was like "Yeah I know! Me too" then the horrible part came. Marie said "Um, I have tourettes."
And me and Scarlett just looked at each other and were like "OH MY GOD! I'm SOO SORRY! I feel terrible now!"
And then she went on about how horrible it is, and how she still has some tics, but it's not like you just bring that up to someone. I felt so insensitive, I mean, she's my friend and I totally just trampled her feet.
And I wanted to be like "But you seem so normal!" But that obviously is probably not the thing to say, because just because she has tourettes doesn't mean she isn't normal, which that would sort of imply.
And then I felt like I couldn't make eye contact with her, because I felt like she'd feel like I was watching her for tics when I really wasn't and URGH! It was just awkward.
I guess it does explain some of the things she does though...
Oh man you guys, I feel really horrible now. So we were walking down the hall, and of course I'm a talker and gillion things are running through my mind at a time, so some random stuff comes up...Just this time, it was bad random stuff, very insensitive.
I was said something along the lines "Sometimes I wish I could just say I have tourettes, well I don't mean the movement one where you just twitch and stuff because that would suck, but the one where you say stuff. Then you could say anything and just be like 'oh I have tourettes' and then you'd get away with it" And Scarlett was like "Yeah I know! Me too" then the horrible part came. Marie said "Um, I have tourettes."
And me and Scarlett just looked at each other and were like "OH MY GOD! I'm SOO SORRY! I feel terrible now!"
And then she went on about how horrible it is, and how she still has some tics, but it's not like you just bring that up to someone. I felt so insensitive, I mean, she's my friend and I totally just trampled her feet.
And I wanted to be like "But you seem so normal!" But that obviously is probably not the thing to say, because just because she has tourettes doesn't mean she isn't normal, which that would sort of imply.
And then I felt like I couldn't make eye contact with her, because I felt like she'd feel like I was watching her for tics when I really wasn't and URGH! It was just awkward.
I guess it does explain some of the things she does though...
Gosh, terrible terrible.
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo.
22 September, 2010
For your boogery enjoyment....
Maybe I have a little too much free times, but you know, what else can I do when I'm camped on my couch with a box of tissues and some hot tea?
Isn't this a fabulous invention?
You put it on your hand so if your nose is running, who needs a tissue? Just do as little kids do and smear it on the back of your hand!
They even make in bigger sizes so you can do this:
Which actually seems like it would be really useful, since you know you've been there. It's winter and your nose is running and you want to wipe it on the back of your glove but it's too rough and it hurts and it doesn't actually work, it just smears it all over your face where it will dry as a greenish-yellow-y crust. (Not that I've ever attempted it...)
And then of course I couldn't help put some more "fun" pictures... What can I say, I'm a s-naughty girl!
Aren't kids (hold on while I gag) ADORABLE?
Isn't this a fabulous invention?
You put it on your hand so if your nose is running, who needs a tissue? Just do as little kids do and smear it on the back of your hand!
They even make in bigger sizes so you can do this:
Which actually seems like it would be really useful, since you know you've been there. It's winter and your nose is running and you want to wipe it on the back of your glove but it's too rough and it hurts and it doesn't actually work, it just smears it all over your face where it will dry as a greenish-yellow-y crust. (Not that I've ever attempted it...)
And then of course I couldn't help put some more "fun" pictures... What can I say, I'm a s-naughty girl!
Aren't kids (hold on while I gag) ADORABLE?
Always 3 Words,
Nadia Echo
21 September, 2010
Isn't being sick great?!
I HATE colds. They are like the worst sickness you can get(and I don't mean like serious disease type deals that will kill you since obviously I think those are worse)!
You wake up with that crusty ring of snot around your nose (come on, it's gross but you know you all wake up with it too).
You get that rash under your nose (or it turns red) after about the twentieth time of blowing your nose...And then you have to keep rubbing it.
You get hot, stinky, sick breath. You know, where your breath doesn't actually stink, but it just feels hot and rank?
And if you're like me, to top off all the fun, you get bloody noses... EVERY DAY (I have varicose veins in my nose, so when I blow my nose all the time, it dries my skin out and dry skin cracks, so since varicose veins sit on the skin...Well you get it, right?).
You can't get rid of them.
You keep sniffing all day.
You have to carry a tissue EVERYWHERE.
You can't breath.
You can't sleep.
You wake up with that crusty ring of snot around your nose (come on, it's gross but you know you all wake up with it too).
You get hot, stinky, sick breath. You know, where your breath doesn't actually stink, but it just feels hot and rank?
And if you're like me, to top off all the fun, you get bloody noses... EVERY DAY (I have varicose veins in my nose, so when I blow my nose all the time, it dries my skin out and dry skin cracks, so since varicose veins sit on the skin...Well you get it, right?).
Always 3 Words,
Nadia Echo
I'd be glad to Introduce you...
I know it's not much (well at least for now it is...Maybe some day I'll be famous and then it will be much), but if you leave a comment asking I will be sure to feature you on my blog! Just leave me a comment, or an email and I'll make a WHOLE post about you saying whatever you want (of course with a little bit of my spin on it).
Always 3 Words,
Nadia Echo.
20 September, 2010
17 September, 2010
Remind me to remind you...
I don't ever know why my moms tells me things to remind her later.
She'll tell me "Remind me when we get home I have to go to the movie store to drop off the movies" and I'll just look at her blankly, because I've already forgotten what she's said, and I can't believe she doesn't know that by now.
For 15 years I've had the memory of a goldfish (ok, yes I know, Mythbusters proved that goldfish actually have great memories, but you get my point).
So I'll just let anybody who's reading this now, unless you make me write it down (if you ever have my phone for some reason, look at the drafts, I have sooo many reminders in there), I will not remember. And even then I might not, so don't expect me to remember all those little things you told me to remember. Because I've probably already looong forgotten them.
Ok, I'm not dumb I mean, I remember things. It just has to register. So make sure I'm paying complete attention when you tell me something, or most likely I'm just "uh-huh"-ing to make you shut up.
Seriously, in one ear and out the other, I've become a master at the whole blocking people out thing.
Completely honest, Mom's told me to go get things, and I've forgotten while I went to go get them (like her purse from upstairs, or a rag from the kitchen). Especially if you ask while I'm texting, you might have not said it at all...
She'll tell me "Remind me when we get home I have to go to the movie store to drop off the movies" and I'll just look at her blankly, because I've already forgotten what she's said, and I can't believe she doesn't know that by now.
For 15 years I've had the memory of a goldfish (ok, yes I know, Mythbusters proved that goldfish actually have great memories, but you get my point).
So I'll just let anybody who's reading this now, unless you make me write it down (if you ever have my phone for some reason, look at the drafts, I have sooo many reminders in there), I will not remember. And even then I might not, so don't expect me to remember all those little things you told me to remember. Because I've probably already looong forgotten them.
Ok, I'm not dumb I mean, I remember things. It just has to register. So make sure I'm paying complete attention when you tell me something, or most likely I'm just "uh-huh"-ing to make you shut up.
Seriously, in one ear and out the other, I've become a master at the whole blocking people out thing.
Completely honest, Mom's told me to go get things, and I've forgotten while I went to go get them (like her purse from upstairs, or a rag from the kitchen). Especially if you ask while I'm texting, you might have not said it at all...
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
15 September, 2010
School Mentality
Maybe it's too early in the year, or maybe my incurable, laziness-disease is only getting worse but I have NO, and I mean NO motivation in me.
It's like I can't convince myself to put pen to paper out of school. I haven't gotten used to the idea of homework yet (or waking up and going to sleep early for that matter).
I feel like we need to hurry up and just get his move over, get me to my new school, get my new room, move all these boxes and stop living in limbo. Maybe that will be enough of a breath of fresh air to wake me up and set me straight!
It's like I can't convince myself to put pen to paper out of school. I haven't gotten used to the idea of homework yet (or waking up and going to sleep early for that matter).
I feel like we need to hurry up and just get his move over, get me to my new school, get my new room, move all these boxes and stop living in limbo. Maybe that will be enough of a breath of fresh air to wake me up and set me straight!
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
11 September, 2010
Anybody still there?
I haven't been on the computer for awhile (sorry guys, I would say it's because I'm busy...but...that's not really completely true).
So here's some of the stuff you missed:
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
So here's some of the stuff you missed:
- Summer is over (that's right OVER!) and school has started (I'm a sophomore! Yikes!)
- It's almost my birthday soon (the big 1-6! Driving, dating, clubs, WOOHOO!)
- Mom has a special surprise planned for us, yeah trust me, it's in a few weeks and I have no idea what it is...But coincidentally we are getting our passports in the next few days...So who knows...
- I wear a size 34D (ok, yeah that might be TMI, but trust me, this is INSANE). Yeah that's right, a D! Do you know how hard it is to find a THIRTY FOUR D? And you guys might be like, yeah yeah, but really, I'm only 15, 5'2 and 98 pounds....You get why I'm surprised?
- I went to my first highschool football game last night (and WE WON! 21 to 14. GO TARTAN!). It was fun (other than the fact that it was freezing and wet and rainy).
- Dad had a "birds and the bees" talk with me also last night (I guess his idea of football games is just a whole bunch of horny teens getting it on, which it totally isn't). He also decided then would be a good time to talk about my period with me (since he saw one of my pads in the trash). AWKWARD! (And then he was all like, when it's your first time I hope you consult with me instead of your mother...YEAH RIGHT!)
- Oh and I was talking to one of my friends about how much I cannot stand my dad, and by accident I sent this really long, ranting text to not my friend, but HIM (and by him I mean Dad). Yeah...It wasn't good.
- I think one of my friends is a lesbian (Like I'm %40 sure...). It's not like I have a problem with homosexuality, but I think she thinks that I do. I mean, I say "that's gay" a lot, and I'm hoping that she doesn't think that means I'm against Gay people, cause I'm totally not. And it's not like you can really just ask somebody that, well I mean you can, but she just seems like the type of person that if I ask her, and I'm wrong, it will totally ruin the friendship.
- I found out my mom was reading my blog, but luckily I know for a fact she's not anymore (trust me, I know this for sure, I think...).
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
03 September, 2010
22 August, 2010
I have a...How do I put this?
Addiction. I can't get enough, and it really probably isn't good for a crazy person like me.
This addiction is, Horror movies (along with shoes, clothes and Rain 5 Gum but that's all for another time).
I love them, I can't get enough of them. But as soon as I'm done watching them, I can't sleep, I can't be in the dark. I can't even be alone.
It's pretty bad. But I can't get enough. That's the kind of talk you hear from someone addicted to meth or something. Yes, it's that horrible.
But I could stop if I wanted to. (ok not really, I always tell myself I'm never going to watch another movie, while I'm laying in bed at 3am, eyes wide open staring into the darkness for something to kill me and screaming at nothing and crying at the fact that I don't want to die yet. I think the worst would be the Grudge, I can't stop watching them. It's like I love the thrill but afterwards it just messes me up so I have to watch it some more to...Well you know, the addiction circle of messed up-ness)
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
Addiction. I can't get enough, and it really probably isn't good for a crazy person like me.
This addiction is, Horror movies (along with shoes, clothes and Rain 5 Gum but that's all for another time).
I love them, I can't get enough of them. But as soon as I'm done watching them, I can't sleep, I can't be in the dark. I can't even be alone.
It's pretty bad. But I can't get enough. That's the kind of talk you hear from someone addicted to meth or something. Yes, it's that horrible.
But I could stop if I wanted to. (ok not really, I always tell myself I'm never going to watch another movie, while I'm laying in bed at 3am, eyes wide open staring into the darkness for something to kill me and screaming at nothing and crying at the fact that I don't want to die yet. I think the worst would be the Grudge, I can't stop watching them. It's like I love the thrill but afterwards it just messes me up so I have to watch it some more to...Well you know, the addiction circle of messed up-ness)
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
20 August, 2010
I'm back (from Wisconsin Dells)!
The vacation was way fun. It had some let-downs but over all, AMAZING!
So let me just start from the beginning...
We drove 4 hours (which was interesting since we had to take Dad's poop-ish car). I seriously don't know how any of us made it since none of us had really slept the night before and we were all cranky. Oh well, proud of myself (I stayed awake the whole time, which is a total feat and I didn't kill anybody).
Then we checked into the Paradise Motel (which seemed great on the internet, LIES) and were totally bummed about that. I mean it looked super good on the internet, and it cost enough to be like a five star hotel here but it wasn't. Far from it in fact (and it was torture since this amazing looking HOTEL ROME was across the street from our crappy lookin' motel). At least it gave us free tickets to Mount Olympus, half off on Noah's Ark tickets, had a pool and hottub and we had a jacuzzi in our room so all was not lost.
At least our hopes were (sort of) lifted when we saw the other room. It was double as good as ours, so it made us feel better that the hotel was actually good, we just didn't get that room, which made us upset since we were paying for the best hotel room (we looked up the rates and talked to her about it beforehand) and she didn't give it to us.
Mount Olympus was pretty fun. Well at least the wave pool (Poseidon's Rage) was really fun. It was more like a tidal wave pool, not the one with the little continuous waves.
But they had one rollercoaster I fell in love with, HADES. It goes underground, and well it's just all over fun. You'll just have to go (and go on it!). Then they do this nighttime thing and we got to ride it at night, it was AMAZING. I screamed my head off (and I'm usually not a screamer).
Noah's Ark was pretty great too. Of course there was a lot of water (and sun, although the water was freezing and it wasn't very great weather the first day), but they best rides were Stingray and Scorpion's Tail (that ride left me speechless, it was just that beastin'. I mean they lock you in, and the ground drops out...and well... you just have to ride it). Then there was the Curse of the Crypt, or whatever it was called. Definitely fun (and scary, scary enough my Mom started crying and freaking out and punching us. Yeah she's a spaz, and definitely not a fan of haunted houses...or snakes).
It was actually pretty funny. Not to be mean. The whole time Chris was freaking out and trying to use me as a human shield, but as soon as we got out he tried to act all macho and cool and was like "Man, I wasn't scared at all. That was awesome! I want to do it again." and then a few minutes later he was like "Next time, I'm gonna do it with my eyes open!". You just had to be there, it was pretty funny.
The 4D theater was kind of cool too, I just liked the pickle smell (they seriously had me craving a pickle after that).
The diving board had some mishaps (like you know, bikini not staying on really...but I'm pretty sure nobody saw).
And then there were totally some CODs (creepy old dudes) there, hitting on me. Total bleck.
Sadly, there weren't a lot (make that any) hot guys there. Even the lifeguards were gross (and not to be racist but all the name tags listed where the were from and like the majority weren't from the U.S. The accents were cool actually. It was just interesting).
There was this one guy there though, he had the most amazing green eyes. You know how in books they will say someone has moss/forest/emerald green eyes? I always thought that wasn't real, but I am now a believer. Plus, he didn't look that bad either. I think I might have creeped him out though, since the line was an hour wait and I kind of stared at him the WHOLE time up. Not continuously, but I did keep sneaking peeks (well more full on looks).
Definitely a good time! Can't wait to go next year (since next year we know how it all works and we can bring other people) :D
As long as you were expecting?
So let me just start from the beginning...
We drove 4 hours (which was interesting since we had to take Dad's poop-ish car). I seriously don't know how any of us made it since none of us had really slept the night before and we were all cranky. Oh well, proud of myself (I stayed awake the whole time, which is a total feat and I didn't kill anybody).
Then we checked into the Paradise Motel (which seemed great on the internet, LIES) and were totally bummed about that. I mean it looked super good on the internet, and it cost enough to be like a five star hotel here but it wasn't. Far from it in fact (and it was torture since this amazing looking HOTEL ROME was across the street from our crappy lookin' motel). At least it gave us free tickets to Mount Olympus, half off on Noah's Ark tickets, had a pool and hottub and we had a jacuzzi in our room so all was not lost.
At least our hopes were (sort of) lifted when we saw the other room. It was double as good as ours, so it made us feel better that the hotel was actually good, we just didn't get that room, which made us upset since we were paying for the best hotel room (we looked up the rates and talked to her about it beforehand) and she didn't give it to us.
Mount Olympus was pretty fun. Well at least the wave pool (Poseidon's Rage) was really fun. It was more like a tidal wave pool, not the one with the little continuous waves.
But they had one rollercoaster I fell in love with, HADES. It goes underground, and well it's just all over fun. You'll just have to go (and go on it!). Then they do this nighttime thing and we got to ride it at night, it was AMAZING. I screamed my head off (and I'm usually not a screamer).
Noah's Ark was pretty great too. Of course there was a lot of water (and sun, although the water was freezing and it wasn't very great weather the first day), but they best rides were Stingray and Scorpion's Tail (that ride left me speechless, it was just that beastin'. I mean they lock you in, and the ground drops out...and well... you just have to ride it). Then there was the Curse of the Crypt, or whatever it was called. Definitely fun (and scary, scary enough my Mom started crying and freaking out and punching us. Yeah she's a spaz, and definitely not a fan of haunted houses...or snakes).
It was actually pretty funny. Not to be mean. The whole time Chris was freaking out and trying to use me as a human shield, but as soon as we got out he tried to act all macho and cool and was like "Man, I wasn't scared at all. That was awesome! I want to do it again." and then a few minutes later he was like "Next time, I'm gonna do it with my eyes open!". You just had to be there, it was pretty funny.
The 4D theater was kind of cool too, I just liked the pickle smell (they seriously had me craving a pickle after that).
The diving board had some mishaps (like you know, bikini not staying on really...but I'm pretty sure nobody saw).
And then there were totally some CODs (creepy old dudes) there, hitting on me. Total bleck.
Sadly, there weren't a lot (make that any) hot guys there. Even the lifeguards were gross (and not to be racist but all the name tags listed where the were from and like the majority weren't from the U.S. The accents were cool actually. It was just interesting).
There was this one guy there though, he had the most amazing green eyes. You know how in books they will say someone has moss/forest/emerald green eyes? I always thought that wasn't real, but I am now a believer. Plus, he didn't look that bad either. I think I might have creeped him out though, since the line was an hour wait and I kind of stared at him the WHOLE time up. Not continuously, but I did keep sneaking peeks (well more full on looks).
Definitely a good time! Can't wait to go next year (since next year we know how it all works and we can bring other people) :D
Always Three Words,
Nadia EchoAs long as you were expecting?
18 August, 2010
Awkward Hugs
You know how they are, those awkward times when you kind of stand there looking at each other trying to decide if you should hug or not.
And then you're like "Well, um. bye!" and you hug them all fast, and walk away, fake smile plastered on face, trying not to feel completely out of place dumb.
And they're awkward for all sort of reason, are you to the stage where you hug this person, is this person really a hugging person, do you see them enough/it was a casual enough get-together no hug is needed?
Someone really needs to invent something to do in those situations...
BTW: Miss me yet? I either get back Thursday or Friday, so expect a LONG post then...
And then you're like "Well, um. bye!" and you hug them all fast, and walk away, fake smile plastered on face, trying not to feel completely out of place dumb.
And they're awkward for all sort of reason, are you to the stage where you hug this person, is this person really a hugging person, do you see them enough/it was a casual enough get-together no hug is needed?
Someone really needs to invent something to do in those situations...
Always Three Words,
Nadia EchoBTW: Miss me yet? I either get back Thursday or Friday, so expect a LONG post then...
16 August, 2010
We're leaving bright and early (I had to get up at 6:30...and that's early for a teenager, especially during summer vacation. Hell, that's early for most people) for the water park of America!
You guessed it, WISCONSIN DELLS!
I've never been before so I'm SUPER excited (and even if I had been before I think I'd still be excited anyways).
I don't think I'll really be able to post, so I'll schedule one for either Tuesday or Wednesday (It'll probably just be a short random blurb thingy, but that's better than nothing, RIGHT?)
Of course I'll still update (since I just text those form my phone). But really, they never are very long (so I barely count them as anything).
TeeTee for now, TaTa for later :)
You guessed it, WISCONSIN DELLS!
I've never been before so I'm SUPER excited (and even if I had been before I think I'd still be excited anyways).
I don't think I'll really be able to post, so I'll schedule one for either Tuesday or Wednesday (It'll probably just be a short random blurb thingy, but that's better than nothing, RIGHT?)
Of course I'll still update (since I just text those form my phone). But really, they never are very long (so I barely count them as anything).
TeeTee for now, TaTa for later :)
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
15 August, 2010
The Gal and the Register
You ever hear the one about the single gal in the supermarket? It's an oldie but a goodie...
No? Ok, I'll tell you.
So she brings all her stuff up to the register, you know, 4 pack of toilet paper, microwavable dinners, that sort of thing. The checkout guy looks at all of her stuff and asks her "Hey, you single?" she kind of giggles and she's like "Why? Can you tell by the stuff I'm buying, like all the single serve items?" and he's like "No, cause you're fuckin' ugly!"
LOL! Ok I don't tell it as good as the guy (I think his name is Mike) on TiMER (seriously, you should click the link. You can not watch it with a straight face.) does to Oona, but it's still pretty funny!
No? Ok, I'll tell you.
So she brings all her stuff up to the register, you know, 4 pack of toilet paper, microwavable dinners, that sort of thing. The checkout guy looks at all of her stuff and asks her "Hey, you single?" she kind of giggles and she's like "Why? Can you tell by the stuff I'm buying, like all the single serve items?" and he's like "No, cause you're fuckin' ugly!"
LOL! Ok I don't tell it as good as the guy (I think his name is Mike) on TiMER (seriously, you should click the link. You can not watch it with a straight face.) does to Oona, but it's still pretty funny!
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
14 August, 2010
I've done it again. Introduced yet another friend to the wonderful world of blogging.
You should check her out HERE, and say hi!
You know how it is, gotta give a shout out to my peeps!
You should check her out HERE, and say hi!
You know how it is, gotta give a shout out to my peeps!
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
13 August, 2010
Love it to Death
Am I insane, or is this everyone's reaction to cute things?
When I see it I just want to squeeze it till it's eyes pop out. You know? Or do I just sound like a psycho killer now?
But seriously, I see a cute puppy (or something along those lines of cuteness) and I just wanna cuddle it to death. Just squeeze the life right out of it.
That's not just me, right?
When I see it I just want to squeeze it till it's eyes pop out. You know? Or do I just sound like a psycho killer now?
But seriously, I see a cute puppy (or something along those lines of cuteness) and I just wanna cuddle it to death. Just squeeze the life right out of it.
That's not just me, right?
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
12 August, 2010
Bad Parts of Pet Owning
I love my dog, he's my baby, my bestfriend. But there are times, those times when I just can't handle it, when I think, why did I ever want a dog?
Those times when he gets a little too much human food and starts barfing everywhere or gets the toots. The nasty, smelly dog poots.
Those times after I'm done cleaning up his accidents, when I madly scrub off my hands up to my elbows in the hottest water I can take (and then some) even after I wore rubber gloves.
Those are the times when I think, how will I ever handle children?
Those times when he gets a little too much human food and starts barfing everywhere or gets the toots. The nasty, smelly dog poots.
Those times after I'm done cleaning up his accidents, when I madly scrub off my hands up to my elbows in the hottest water I can take (and then some) even after I wore rubber gloves.
Those are the times when I think, how will I ever handle children?
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
Sleep Mobile
You know what puts me to sleep even better than a hot glass of milk (which never makes me tired by the way). A ride in the car (obviously not as the driver).
I have my theories (like how it puts babies to sleep since it's like being in the womb and I just never grew out of that) but really. You turn on calming music and it doesn't matter when it is, or how awake I was. I'll be out like a light within ten minutes.
I have my theories (like how it puts babies to sleep since it's like being in the womb and I just never grew out of that) but really. You turn on calming music and it doesn't matter when it is, or how awake I was. I'll be out like a light within ten minutes.
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
11 August, 2010
I make lists, it's sort of what I do.
It makes life less complicated. Helps me stay organized (and sometimes I can be a serious neat freak).
So I thought I'd share some of my lists with you guys!
Here's a list of my lists (or you can just scroll down... either way. It's very, List-y)
It makes life less complicated. Helps me stay organized (and sometimes I can be a serious neat freak).
So I thought I'd share some of my lists with you guys!
Here's a list of my lists (or you can just scroll down... either way. It's very, List-y)
- The Cast
- The Ultimate Playlist
- Favorite Words
- Wish List (come on, everybody has this list somewhere...)
- Bucket List
- Book Log
- 3 Words
Here's some photo albums (everything from fireworks to picture of people from my books. Ok, I might not have fireworks on here, but you get my drift. Right?).
You can clink below, OR just scroll down.
You can clink below, OR just scroll down.
- Run (Pictures for the Novel)
- Remembering Love (Pictures for the Novel)
- Golden Red (Pictures for the Novel)
- Second Time Around (Pictures for the Novel)
Yes, I'm also a bookworm
Thought I'd make a book log, I mean. I've always had one, but I'm just gonna start over.
The Flood (Halo, Book:2). William C. Dietz
Date 7.20.10 - RIP Rating
*.* Amazing
(: Good
l: Ok
): Bad
):< Total Waste of Time
X Didn't Finish
RIP Does not mean Rest In Peace (well it does, but not in this case) it means I'm still reading it (READING IN PROGRESS).Date 7.20.10 - RIP Rating
Underwater World
We went to underwater world, and let me just say. IT WAS AWESOME!
You know those pictures with those kids looking up in awe with their mouths slightly open. Yeah, that was me.
The jellyfish were beautiful, the seahorses were cute (plus the males have the kids, and who doesn't love that) with their curly tails, the sharks were powerful, the stingray were beautiful (they're my favorite), the koifish were glittering, the fish were ugly (and huge, which was super cool), the little, tropical fish were gorgeous and bright.
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
You know those pictures with those kids looking up in awe with their mouths slightly open. Yeah, that was me.
The jellyfish were beautiful, the seahorses were cute (plus the males have the kids, and who doesn't love that) with their curly tails, the sharks were powerful, the stingray were beautiful (they're my favorite), the koifish were glittering, the fish were ugly (and huge, which was super cool), the little, tropical fish were gorgeous and bright.
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
The Ultimate Playlist
It's pretty self explanatory. A GINORMOUS (yes that is a combo of gigantic and enormous) list of all the music I love in no particular order.
- Bottle it Up - Sara Bareilles
- Breakeven (Fallin' to Pieces) - The Script
- Hey, Soul Sister - Train
The Cast
Wondering who these people are that I keep mentioning. Here's a rundown on the characters of my life (yes, the names are all fake).
- Nadia Echo - ME! Yes, I'm a loony, love obsessed teenager that is the star in this show.
- Chris (or LB) - My brother. Little brother by 5 years. A total pain in the ass and annoying me on purpose but I still love him (but only because it's mandatory. Just kidding...Sort of).
- Cedric - Cousin that I rarely see but for some reason he talks to me. A LOT. I don't even know how he got my cellphone number...
- Kiki - Insane, boy-crazed teen. She's been my best friend since like 2nd grade (we've known each other longer, but we used to be rivals and it ended with vandalism and cops...It's a long story) and we are basically sisters. She gets on my nerves A TON but I still love her.
- Scarlett (AKA Tilly) - She's a little behind everybody else when it comes to the outside world, (for example, her blog...sort of had to help her out with it, she's definitely not very internet savvy. In fact, the exact opposite). She's quiet, but super sweet and smart, tall and a total BEANPOLE (inside joke, you'll have to ask her if you want to know).
- Marie - She's super athletic, and definitely really smart, and a little crazy, but she's definitely pretty cool.
These Are a Few of My Favorite Words
Ok, these are some words I either love to hear people say, love to spell, love to say, or just love in general.
- Flesh
- Slink
- Slips
- Skedaddles
- Slick
- Flabbergasted
- Flustered
- Ballistic
- Serendipity
- Lacuna
- Plush
- Ploosh
10 August, 2010
09 August, 2010
The Worst Kind of Razor Burn
I'm sort of in a bit if itchy, uncomfortable pain.
I was thinking, I'm tired of trimming. Why not just shave it all off? Bad idea.
I sort of um, completely shaved "down there" (and by that I don't mean my feet...).
I don't understand how other girls do it! It feels like I have a gazillion splinters (metal needle-like splinters) in my skin, and every time I move or they get barely bumped or ANYTHING it HURTS! And itches. It's definitely not comfortable (not to mention everytime I like wipe, it feels like someone is rubbing a blanket full of metal needles on my...yeah).
Yes, I know. Awkward. But I needed to tell someone, since maybe it's not just me but I don't understand how people do it (well by people I mean girls).
What a joy waxing will be (when I finally get around to it). Plucking my eyebrows already kills, waxing must be... Oh jeez.
I think I'm just fine with trimming for now. And really, what's wrong with that!?
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
I was thinking, I'm tired of trimming. Why not just shave it all off? Bad idea.
I sort of um, completely shaved "down there" (and by that I don't mean my feet...).
I don't understand how other girls do it! It feels like I have a gazillion splinters (metal needle-like splinters) in my skin, and every time I move or they get barely bumped or ANYTHING it HURTS! And itches. It's definitely not comfortable (not to mention everytime I like wipe, it feels like someone is rubbing a blanket full of metal needles on my...yeah).
Yes, I know. Awkward. But I needed to tell someone, since maybe it's not just me but I don't understand how people do it (well by people I mean girls).
What a joy waxing will be (when I finally get around to it). Plucking my eyebrows already kills, waxing must be... Oh jeez.
I think I'm just fine with trimming for now. And really, what's wrong with that!?
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
08 August, 2010
07 August, 2010
What Icecream and old bread have in common.
Ice cream is like bread (not the fresh stuff you pull out of the oven and it's all warm and the butter is all melt-y. Then it's a whole different story). The middle is way better than the edges. It can't just be me, but you scoop out the middle of the icecream, eating the very edge later (later like WAY later when it's stale and the only reason you're eating it is because you REALLY REALLY want some icecream).
Like with bread you buy, you dig behind the heels until all that's left in the bag are those two, gross pieces of bread (which I feed to my dog, or throw out. Yeah, I'm a bread waster).
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
Like with bread you buy, you dig behind the heels until all that's left in the bag are those two, gross pieces of bread (which I feed to my dog, or throw out. Yeah, I'm a bread waster).
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
When Cats Attack...
With cats, it always seems it's a love hate thing. Probably because cats are either evil or adorable cuties.
Like Bandit and Mischa. They were so sweet. Bandit used to cuddle up with you when you were sick, and he'd stay there till you got better. No eating, not nothing. He was a little trooper.
Mischa used to jump into bed with you and snuggle right up to your head and start sucking on your ear (now that I think about it, that's UNBELIEVABLY weird). It was sweet I think, not her way of trying to suck my brains out (yeah I know Grandma, she was just practicing for when she'd kill me and suck the breath out of me. Grandma hates cats, she thinks they kill babies).
Now Yascha on the other hand. Well. She was the bad kind. Ya-ya (that's what I called her, either that or devil cat) was there when I was a baby. She was an adorable little orange poof, getting in trouble for climbing up the screen every once in a while, but that was about it. We used to be a team, she'd snuggle up to my little chubby baby-ness and we'd just nap together, and play together when we woke up (and I don't mean evil children, pull on the cat's tail play).
Then all of a sudden it happened, she went EVIL. It was a gradual thing, like once we were snacking on some chips (she was full grown by now and I was old enough to walk and eat chips) and I'd feed her some every once in a while. We were just sitting and chillin' next to each other, two ol' buddies eatin' some snacks when she out of nowhere, leans over and bites my head. And I don't mean my ear or something. Like she bit my whole face, her teeth in my forehead and the other ones in my cheek.
Then she let go and just sat there like nothing happened, while I started crying. How could my baby do that? Well she got in trouble with the 'rents from that and that was it.
A little bit after that she really started changing, like into that crazy cat your friend has that hisses and growls and such when you even get in the same room (but your friend tries to tell you it's ok when it's really not. You could die like any second, it's just a ticking time bomb).
She even went evil on my mom.
Every night Ya-ya would sit in this little tree plant type dealio we had in the hallway. It was in between my parents room and the bathroom. So every night she'd sit there, out of sight. My mom, half asleep would shuffle out of her room, to the bathroom, just a midnight pee.
AAAAAAHHHHHHHH FUCKING CAT SHIT SHIT FUCK OW FUCKING CAT!!! That's what we all woke to when she started screaming. All because Ya-ya thought it was great entertainment to jump out of the tree and try and catch Mom's ankles, and then rip all the skin off. She'd just latch her claws on her legs and start ripping and biting, like she was a velociraptor trying to take out an iguanodon (yeah. that bad).
Then Ya-ya would jump off and dart off, leaving my mom bleeding and kicking at the air. Mom would pee, and then come back, mumbling about how she would kill the cat.
I don't know why we kept Ya-ya as long as we did before giving her to the humane society. Maybe it was because some small part of us was hoping she'd still go back to her old, sweet self. It was like watching your friend go insane, it was pretty bad. I feel sorry for the poor soul who's going to unknowingly adopt that little kitty killer (unless he didn't pass the adoption test and got put down. I guess Mom had the last laugh).
Always Three Words
Nadia Echo
Like Bandit and Mischa. They were so sweet. Bandit used to cuddle up with you when you were sick, and he'd stay there till you got better. No eating, not nothing. He was a little trooper.
Mischa used to jump into bed with you and snuggle right up to your head and start sucking on your ear (now that I think about it, that's UNBELIEVABLY weird). It was sweet I think, not her way of trying to suck my brains out (yeah I know Grandma, she was just practicing for when she'd kill me and suck the breath out of me. Grandma hates cats, she thinks they kill babies).
Now Yascha on the other hand. Well. She was the bad kind. Ya-ya (that's what I called her, either that or devil cat) was there when I was a baby. She was an adorable little orange poof, getting in trouble for climbing up the screen every once in a while, but that was about it. We used to be a team, she'd snuggle up to my little chubby baby-ness and we'd just nap together, and play together when we woke up (and I don't mean evil children, pull on the cat's tail play).
Then all of a sudden it happened, she went EVIL. It was a gradual thing, like once we were snacking on some chips (she was full grown by now and I was old enough to walk and eat chips) and I'd feed her some every once in a while. We were just sitting and chillin' next to each other, two ol' buddies eatin' some snacks when she out of nowhere, leans over and bites my head. And I don't mean my ear or something. Like she bit my whole face, her teeth in my forehead and the other ones in my cheek.
Then she let go and just sat there like nothing happened, while I started crying. How could my baby do that? Well she got in trouble with the 'rents from that and that was it.
A little bit after that she really started changing, like into that crazy cat your friend has that hisses and growls and such when you even get in the same room (but your friend tries to tell you it's ok when it's really not. You could die like any second, it's just a ticking time bomb).
She even went evil on my mom.
Every night Ya-ya would sit in this little tree plant type dealio we had in the hallway. It was in between my parents room and the bathroom. So every night she'd sit there, out of sight. My mom, half asleep would shuffle out of her room, to the bathroom, just a midnight pee.
AAAAAAHHHHHHHH FUCKING CAT SHIT SHIT FUCK OW FUCKING CAT!!! That's what we all woke to when she started screaming. All because Ya-ya thought it was great entertainment to jump out of the tree and try and catch Mom's ankles, and then rip all the skin off. She'd just latch her claws on her legs and start ripping and biting, like she was a velociraptor trying to take out an iguanodon (yeah. that bad).
Then Ya-ya would jump off and dart off, leaving my mom bleeding and kicking at the air. Mom would pee, and then come back, mumbling about how she would kill the cat.
I don't know why we kept Ya-ya as long as we did before giving her to the humane society. Maybe it was because some small part of us was hoping she'd still go back to her old, sweet self. It was like watching your friend go insane, it was pretty bad. I feel sorry for the poor soul who's going to unknowingly adopt that little kitty killer (unless he didn't pass the adoption test and got put down. I guess Mom had the last laugh).
Always Three Words
Nadia Echo
04 August, 2010
Night on the Town
Last night was pretty...Hectic.
First we got all dolled up (we means: Kiki, Chris, Mom & Me). Which was fun.
We went to the park after that in the town with this super cool fountain and took tons of pictures. Should've taken some for you, but sorry. I forgot.
Then we went to McCormick's and Schmidt's to eat (is that how you spell it?).
After that we went and got icecream and Kiki went INSANE! Like she was being super annoying and screaming and being all loud. It was pretty bad.
Oh well, I love her like I sister. Just a crazed (like really boy crazed) sister.
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
First we got all dolled up (we means: Kiki, Chris, Mom & Me). Which was fun.
We went to the park after that in the town with this super cool fountain and took tons of pictures. Should've taken some for you, but sorry. I forgot.
Then we went to McCormick's and Schmidt's to eat (is that how you spell it?).
After that we went and got icecream and Kiki went INSANE! Like she was being super annoying and screaming and being all loud. It was pretty bad.
Oh well, I love her like I sister. Just a crazed (like really boy crazed) sister.
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
03 August, 2010
02 August, 2010
Chris (my little brother) combined with my Mom are enough to annoy me to death I think.
Ok so I went out and bought myself some ice cream and oreos (with my own money I earned doing jobs around the neighborhood so it is legit my money). Chris keeps asking if I can have some and I say no, so he does a super annoying younger sibling trick. He asks in front of Mom.
So he goes in the other room and starts acting all angel like (instead of yelling at me to give him some) and is like "Nadia, may I please have some ice cream please?" (instead of, if you don't give me a cone I'm going to punch you in the face) and I said "No". So he goes "Ok."
A few minutes later and he asks again all angelic nice and I say no, and then he does it a third time and I say no. That's when Mom goes "Why not?" and I try to explain to her that I bought it with my own money that I worked to get, it's MINE!
Then she tried to tell me she shares all the time and she didn't raise me like that and she's so sad that I'm ending up so selfish and sad. Her sharing is way different. We're her children, AND she has a job! I'm not even allowed to get a job! The money I get is a few bucks here and there from the neighbors when they let me walk their dogs or mow their lawns.
But she's trying to tell me that's a legit job and that it's better than Chris's which it isn't! He could mow the lawns and such too! He's just too lazy! I mean, he doesn't even have any chores at home, not kidding.
So then she made me give him some.
And now I'm annoyed really bad since I was already tired, and cranky and a teenager and it probably doesn't help I've got my period going on.
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
Ok so I went out and bought myself some ice cream and oreos (with my own money I earned doing jobs around the neighborhood so it is legit my money). Chris keeps asking if I can have some and I say no, so he does a super annoying younger sibling trick. He asks in front of Mom.
So he goes in the other room and starts acting all angel like (instead of yelling at me to give him some) and is like "Nadia, may I please have some ice cream please?" (instead of, if you don't give me a cone I'm going to punch you in the face) and I said "No". So he goes "Ok."
A few minutes later and he asks again all angelic nice and I say no, and then he does it a third time and I say no. That's when Mom goes "Why not?" and I try to explain to her that I bought it with my own money that I worked to get, it's MINE!
Then she tried to tell me she shares all the time and she didn't raise me like that and she's so sad that I'm ending up so selfish and sad. Her sharing is way different. We're her children, AND she has a job! I'm not even allowed to get a job! The money I get is a few bucks here and there from the neighbors when they let me walk their dogs or mow their lawns.
But she's trying to tell me that's a legit job and that it's better than Chris's which it isn't! He could mow the lawns and such too! He's just too lazy! I mean, he doesn't even have any chores at home, not kidding.
So then she made me give him some.
And now I'm annoyed really bad since I was already tired, and cranky and a teenager and it probably doesn't help I've got my period going on.
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
All names mentioned in the above post have been changed to protect the true identity of the blogger.
01 August, 2010
TTYN (talk to you NEVER)
You know that person you talk to, the one you wish you never had to talk to again, but for some reason you just can't tell them to shut up and you don't like them?
It's horrible when you have to deal with that, but at least you can avoid them, or find a way to walk away. Especially when you aren't related.
Sadly, my cousin Cedric has become one of those people.
So one day, I'm just chillin' on the couch (actually I think I was laying on the ground in front of the couch) just watching TV and I get a text saying "Hey Nahdia?" from some number I'd never seen before. So I texted back "Who is this?" and I wanted to add 'you spelled my name wrong, it's NADIA' but thought better of it. Few seconds later and they said "Cedric".
So I sat there dumbfounded for a few minutes, just not able to guess who it was. Cedric, Cedric, Cedric. And then the lightbulb went off. At this time I was like 'cool!' and texted him back.
Two day later and he won't stop texting me and I don't know how to just tell him to shut up. For example last night I was like 'Yeah it's late and I'm going to sleep.' at like 10pm just to get him off my back (trust me, that's way early for me to go to sleep) when I really wasn't going to sleep. The next day he texted me back again and so started me faking "LOL's" and sending stupid little smiles in response to his questions instead of saying what I really wanted to "SU! Please, I really don't want to text you, now or ever!" since it's always super awkward to talk to him. And I haven't even met him that many times. He's always like "sup?" and talks in horrible slang that half the time I don't even understand (ok I understand sup but I didn't know what else to put) and I always respond "NM" (nothing much) since I really don't want to tell him what I'm doing, not like I'm doing anything great I just don't want to encourage him.
Then today he asked for my facebook and I was freaking out. But he couldn't find me. Phew! So then he sent me his email and was like "well try to find me." which I said I would. But I'm not going to, I'm just going to tell him I couldn't find it.
If only I never had to worry about seeing him again, but sadly, we're related. Curses!
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
All names mentioned in the above post have been changed to protect the true identity of the blogger.
It's horrible when you have to deal with that, but at least you can avoid them, or find a way to walk away. Especially when you aren't related.
Sadly, my cousin Cedric has become one of those people.
So one day, I'm just chillin' on the couch (actually I think I was laying on the ground in front of the couch) just watching TV and I get a text saying "Hey Nahdia?" from some number I'd never seen before. So I texted back "Who is this?" and I wanted to add 'you spelled my name wrong, it's NADIA' but thought better of it. Few seconds later and they said "Cedric".
So I sat there dumbfounded for a few minutes, just not able to guess who it was. Cedric, Cedric, Cedric. And then the lightbulb went off. At this time I was like 'cool!' and texted him back.
Two day later and he won't stop texting me and I don't know how to just tell him to shut up. For example last night I was like 'Yeah it's late and I'm going to sleep.' at like 10pm just to get him off my back (trust me, that's way early for me to go to sleep) when I really wasn't going to sleep. The next day he texted me back again and so started me faking "LOL's" and sending stupid little smiles in response to his questions instead of saying what I really wanted to "SU! Please, I really don't want to text you, now or ever!" since it's always super awkward to talk to him. And I haven't even met him that many times. He's always like "sup?" and talks in horrible slang that half the time I don't even understand (ok I understand sup but I didn't know what else to put) and I always respond "NM" (nothing much) since I really don't want to tell him what I'm doing, not like I'm doing anything great I just don't want to encourage him.
Then today he asked for my facebook and I was freaking out. But he couldn't find me. Phew! So then he sent me his email and was like "well try to find me." which I said I would. But I'm not going to, I'm just going to tell him I couldn't find it.
If only I never had to worry about seeing him again, but sadly, we're related. Curses!
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
All names mentioned in the above post have been changed to protect the true identity of the blogger.
Nadia Knows All!
I don't always read all the comments to my posts (even though I don't get a lot...Yeah I take laziness to a whole 'nother level) but I swear if you leave your question here I will answer it in my next post.
Or you can email it to me ( nadiaecho-always3words@live.com ) and I'll email the answer to you ASAP!
Ask me anything, seriously ANYTHING! I would love to answer. It doesn't even have to be about me, it can be what dress you should wear to your party tomorrow, or what Pluto is actually called now, or something deep like how to know if he loves you or the meaning of life ( which can be found in any three word saying..I LOVE YOU, LIVE,LOVE,LAUGH, EAT,PRAY,LOVE...Love seems to be a recurring theme here... ).
Or you can email it to me ( nadiaecho-always3words@live.com ) and I'll email the answer to you ASAP!
Ask me anything, seriously ANYTHING! I would love to answer. It doesn't even have to be about me, it can be what dress you should wear to your party tomorrow, or what Pluto is actually called now, or something deep like how to know if he loves you or the meaning of life ( which can be found in any three word saying..I LOVE YOU, LIVE,LOVE,LAUGH, EAT,PRAY,LOVE...Love seems to be a recurring theme here... ).
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
31 July, 2010
Nerds and Sushi
Ok, so we went out to get sushi tonight, (by the way sushi is my absolute favorite food. I just can't get enough!) and we were sitting at the sushi bar when this group of (sorry, not very nice, for all I know they are billionaires with hot girl friends and really dumb) total nerds came and sat at a table near us.
I only remember three of them that made a real impression on me.
One: Some guy in this green, jean material kilt with studs and stuff all over it. He didn't even look cool in it! He had disheveled, greasy looking blond hair, he was short, and he was wearing some old grandpa tennis shoes (you know the kind, the ones with just velcro straps). It was pretty bad.
Two: Some guy that looked like he was trying to dress cool but he really wasn't. His hair was spiked up but he was short and chubby and his cut off sleeves tank top shirt thingy looked bad (I don't even think I've ever seen someone who actually can pull that look off. Not even Edward or Jacob could rock that look.). Then it was super annoying since he kept trying to act like a sushi guru and he was getting everything wrong! And all his friends knew it.
Three: This guy was the definition of a total nerd. He had hair with a super defined part to the side, and it was all greased/oiled into place. Then he had huge round glasses and was wearing a button up T-shirt with the buttons all the way buttoned up and tucked into his too high pants. I swear, not making this up. I thought nerds only looked like that in movies!
Then all they talked about were video games. Don't get me wrong, I love my video games, but they were taking it to a whole 'nother level.
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
I only remember three of them that made a real impression on me.
One: Some guy in this green, jean material kilt with studs and stuff all over it. He didn't even look cool in it! He had disheveled, greasy looking blond hair, he was short, and he was wearing some old grandpa tennis shoes (you know the kind, the ones with just velcro straps). It was pretty bad.
Two: Some guy that looked like he was trying to dress cool but he really wasn't. His hair was spiked up but he was short and chubby and his cut off sleeves tank top shirt thingy looked bad (I don't even think I've ever seen someone who actually can pull that look off. Not even Edward or Jacob could rock that look.). Then it was super annoying since he kept trying to act like a sushi guru and he was getting everything wrong! And all his friends knew it.
Three: This guy was the definition of a total nerd. He had hair with a super defined part to the side, and it was all greased/oiled into place. Then he had huge round glasses and was wearing a button up T-shirt with the buttons all the way buttoned up and tucked into his too high pants. I swear, not making this up. I thought nerds only looked like that in movies!
Then all they talked about were video games. Don't get me wrong, I love my video games, but they were taking it to a whole 'nother level.
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
30 July, 2010
Mom annoys the crap out of me sometimes (ok alot of time).
For example, this morning I was up at 6am washing the floors. And not with a mop type way but on my hand and knees with a bucket and a rag. It didn't help at all that our whole main floor is basically hardwood, or the fact that she was trying to sleep while I did this. So every other second it was "SHH!" or "SHUT UP!", "KEEP IT DOWN!" which isn't my fault! She asked ME to mop the floors when she was trying to sleep, not a quiet task, moving the furniture to get underneath and moving the heavy bucket filled with water silently.
And somehow she kept telling me I was scrubbing wrong, and missing spots. SHE WASN'T EVEN IN THE SAME ROOM AS ME! She was in the other room sleeping, and she was still telling me these things.
It seriously took me a superhuman amount of willpower to not rip her face off.
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
For example, this morning I was up at 6am washing the floors. And not with a mop type way but on my hand and knees with a bucket and a rag. It didn't help at all that our whole main floor is basically hardwood, or the fact that she was trying to sleep while I did this. So every other second it was "SHH!" or "SHUT UP!", "KEEP IT DOWN!" which isn't my fault! She asked ME to mop the floors when she was trying to sleep, not a quiet task, moving the furniture to get underneath and moving the heavy bucket filled with water silently.
And somehow she kept telling me I was scrubbing wrong, and missing spots. SHE WASN'T EVEN IN THE SAME ROOM AS ME! She was in the other room sleeping, and she was still telling me these things.
It seriously took me a superhuman amount of willpower to not rip her face off.
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
Photo Album - RUN!!!
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Cover Picture (Want a more detailed Photo Album? It even has mini character bios!) |
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Gwyneth |
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Charles |
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Elizabeth |
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James |
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Sarah |
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Ryan |
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Jake |
29 July, 2010
Photo Album - Remembering Love
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Cover Picture - (Want a more detailed Photo Album? It even has mini character bios!) |
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Aria |
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Derrick |
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Ben |
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Chelsea |
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Faith |
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Joyce |
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Levi |
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Dan |
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Brenda |
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Mike |
Wish List
It's pretty self explanatory...
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
- Iron Man (movie)
- Iron Man 2 (movie)
- All Gossip Girl Discs (TV series)
- All Glee Discs (TV series)
- Sweet Valley High 6 & 7 (books)
- Left 4 Dead (Xbox Game)
- Left 4 Dead 2(Xbox Game)
- Camera
- 8GB iPod
- All House Discs (TV Series)
- Wet (Xbox Game)
- All Vampire Diaries Discs (TV series)
- Rockband (PSP Game)
- New PSP (But not the GO)
- Mirror's Edge (Xbox Game)
- Deadspace (Xbox Game)
- F.E.A.R (Xbox Game)
- Harry Potter 1-7 (Books)
- Harry Potter 1-7 (Movies)
- Pretty Little Liars 2 and up (Books)
- Cosmo Subscription (Magazine)
- Vogue Subscription (Magazine)
- Atonement (Book)
- Laptop (MY OWN)
- The Notebook (Movie)
- Howl's Moving Castle (Movie)
- New Moon (Movie)
- Eclipse (Movie)
- Giant Tuperware Bin (to store my stuffies)
- Second Life of Bree Tanner (Book)
- The Host (Book)
- Of the Fourth Kind (Movie)
- Paranormal Activity(Movie)
- Noise Canceling Headphones
Always Three Words,
Nadia Echo
Bucket List
Red = Task Completed
Green = Task in Process
- Go sky Diving (yeah, I know, EVERYONE has this one on their list)
- Go bungee jumping off of a bridge
- Go to Vietnam
- Go on a cruise
- Go to this amusement park in Wisconsin called "Extreme World"
- Climb to the peak of a real mountain
- Go caving
- Travel the world
- Get pilot's license
- Learn to sing (I'm terrible!)
- Learn to dance (I seriously think it would be cool to take lessons)
- Learn to speak Vietnamese
- Publish a book (I'm currently trying to write one...)
- Have an art show (one of my hobbies is photography)
- Get the guts to ask out a boy I like
- Play through a whole video game (I love to just chill and play video games sometimes, but I have never actually beat a WHOLE video game)
- Try out acting (how cool would it be to be a FAMOUS actress, but not the crazy ones)
- Try out modeling (People tell me all the time I should model, I don't think so , but it would be worth a try)
- Stay up all night talking to someone on the phone
- Finish a Rubiks Cube
- Find original diary (I kept a diary before I blogged and it was FILLED with LOTS of my secrets, and now I don't know where it is)
- Finish covering every square inch of my walls in pictures/posters/magazine cutouts
- Go on the tornado/whirpool (whatever it's called) slide at Grand Rios
- Learn to play the saxophone
- Tell someone EVERYTHING there is to know about me
- Get married
- Have children
- Be rich (who doesn't want to be rich?!)
- Confront my dad on what he's done (see, this is why I have to get you caught up!)
- Get my license (I WANNA DRIVE!!!)
- Make out in a car (ok, I know that seems weird, but I've always thought it romantic when you like go with a guy and just park and watch the sunset and then he just leans over and starts kissing you)
- Go on a roadtrip with my friends (no adults!)
- Have a scary movie-thon at my cabin (my cabin is on an island and we don't have neighbors for like miles up there)
- Get a REALLY short haircut
- See what it's like to get my legs waxed (I'm fine with shaving, but I want to see what all the fuss is about on waxing your legs)
- Play an AWESOME prank (the kind the the pranker and the person who got pranked will ALWAYS remember and tell when they think back on their fondest memories)
- Learn to Urban/freestyle run (Like in the movies when the people run up walls and jump over cars and cool stuff like that)
- Have you ever seen in movies when a girl and guy are out or with all their friends and they are near a lake (at night) or break into an empty pool...And no one was expecting to go swimming and they all just strip to like thier undies and bra and dive in? I think it would be FUN to do that!
- Learn to surf
- Go to a SERIOUSLY scary haunted house
- Jump into a convertible without using the door
- Swim in the ocean
- Invent something new and AWESOME
- Be told I'm a great kisser
- Go scuba diving/see the great barrier reef
- Ride on a unicycle
- Ride on a tandem bike
- Ride on a motorcycle
- Go parasailing
- Be able to run a mile in 6 minutes
- Finish a puzzle (must be 500 pieces or more)
That's it...For now :)
Always Three Words
Nadia Echo
Kill me now
Ugh! I feel like in aliens when the monster breaks out, except they are trying to break out of my stomach (yeah I know its not actually my stomach but I didn't wanna say uterus since I'm not saying I'm impregnated with an alien)!
Humans and Great Apes are the only animals with true periods. What bullshit. (Can you tell I'm a little cranky?).
At least I'm getting it now so I don't get it next week at Wisconsin Dells (Wouldn't that be horrid?!).
We went and saw my aunts newborn this week, he's so amazingly cute. I want a baby (not now of course). They're a little part of you, a life you created. Little miracles. In her case he is even more a miracle baby than most. She's had ovarian cancer and a miscarriage so the fact that she got pregnant and then made it the term and had the baby with no complications is amazing. Definitely happy for her.
Man, he's tiny. (And adorable).
Always three words,
Nadia Echo
Humans and Great Apes are the only animals with true periods. What bullshit. (Can you tell I'm a little cranky?).
At least I'm getting it now so I don't get it next week at Wisconsin Dells (Wouldn't that be horrid?!).
We went and saw my aunts newborn this week, he's so amazingly cute. I want a baby (not now of course). They're a little part of you, a life you created. Little miracles. In her case he is even more a miracle baby than most. She's had ovarian cancer and a miscarriage so the fact that she got pregnant and then made it the term and had the baby with no complications is amazing. Definitely happy for her.
Man, he's tiny. (And adorable).
Always three words,
Nadia Echo
Photo Album - Golden Red
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Cover Picture (Want an even more detailed Photo Album? It even has mini character bios!) |
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Adira |
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Charkie's Eye Color |
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Ezra |
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Enya |
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Eye Color of one of Enya's/Enyo's eyes. Other is the striking blue in the cover picture. |
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Aiden |
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Enyo |
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Enyo |
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Colton |
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Alex |
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Ezra |
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Cole |
28 July, 2010
Photo Album - The Second Time Around
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Cover Picture (Want an even more detailed Photo Album? It even has mini character bios!) |
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Cover Picture (Alternate...I'll probably use it if there's a book two!) |
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Nichole (Nikki) |
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Nichole (Nikki) |
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Milo |
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Milo |
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Milo |
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Ekho (Ehkee) |
Laney |
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Ekho's Eye Color |
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